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At 10 DEC 1998 10:59:33AM Ruben Martinez LIDASA wrote:

I'm using very often EDITTABLE controls associated with multivalued data fields in my application forms. The most of them have an output format different from the original data entered by the user. I want to save the control/data with a different format that the one showed to the user. (Example: when the users enters "1 1 1", the system outputs "0001.0001.0001", and the data must be saved as "000100010001" into the table.

I have tried modifing the data before the form's WRITE event, via the COLDATA, ACCESSDATA and ARRAY properties with no success. It always saves the data as it is showed to the user.

Any idea on how to successfully accomplish this task?

Thanks for your time.

At 10 DEC 1998 01:01PM wrote:


The problem you seem to be having is that the Input Conversion process happes during the 'write' event processing chain. The system event extracts the data from the form controls and performs any input conversion found.

If you want to handle the input conversion remove this conversion from the form and dictionary then convert during poschanged or 'write event' .. or better yet .. create a user defined conversion format.

David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions voice: 503-639-8080

At 10 DEC 1998 11:11PM Ruben Martinez wrote:

Thank you David, I'll do that!

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