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At 16 JUN 1999 03:45:26PM Matt Sorrell wrote:

If I use a reduction script generated by REDUCE() and then use the extended RBASIC SELECT…BY syntax, how do I determine the number of records returned in my cursor?

Is this information returned in @REC.COUNT?


Matt Sorrell

At 16 JUN 1999 04:44PM Warren wrote:

I believe @reccount only returns a list count on a fully resolved select in cursor 0. There used to be a GET.RECCOUNT() function/subroutine or something like that for non-resolved/latent selects. It's been 7 or 8 years since I messed around with this stuff but the 2.0x docs covered this stuff rather well. Too bad someone swiped my 2.0x manuals.

At 16 JUN 1999 04:52PM Matt Sorrell wrote:


I use GET.RECCOUNT all the time when I'm doing an an RBASIC select on a whole table. Guess I get to dig out the docs and figure out all the other params this function takes.



At 16 JUN 1999 05:10PM Matt Sorrell wrote:


Actually, it turns out the GET.RECCOUNT will only return the row count for the entire table. It doesn't appear that you can pass a cursor to it, only a file handle.

Thanks anyway,


At 16 JUN 1999 07:27PM Victor Engel wrote:

If I understand the question correctly, you can't get at the number, because it is undetermined until the cursor is exhausted.

At 17 JUN 1999 01:36PM Warren wrote:

Well, @cursors(x,1) is supposed to contain a @fm delimited list of the keys but it never seemed to work in 2.x. Maybe in 3.x. You could always count the @fm marks. Question is what happens at the 64K size boundary?

At 17 JUN 1999 02:37PM Warren wrote:

As long a you fully resolve the cursor (the BY clause in the SELECT statement must have a sort criteria) @reccount will work:






call reduce(rs,sl,mode,fn,cv,flag)

select fn by sl using cv else stop 'no good'

call msg("reccount: ":quote(@reccount),,,) cnt=0 loop readnext @id using cv by at else goto fin cnt += 1 repeat fin: call msg("readnext count: ":quote(cnt),,,)

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