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At 24 JUL 2012 10:09:03AM George A Malushkin wrote:

I try to use NetOI for receiving data from OI (9.3.1) to Visual Studio 2010 (app on Visual Basic).

OENGINE works on 8088 ports. But code from docs doesn't work:

Imports Revelation.NetOI

Dim myConnect As New Server

myConnect.PersistentConnection = True

myConnect.OIConnect("localhost", "8088", "EXAMPLES", "EXAMPLES", "")

My VS app is hanging up.

At 24 JUL 2012 05:12PM Jared Bratu wrote:

The engine may be hanging during launch. Try stopping the OEngineServer service and then starting it in debug mode.

First, add this line of code before your connect call to indicate the engines should be visible upon creation.

myConnect.StartupFlags = 1

Second, from a command prompt change to the OpenInsight root directory and run this command:

java -jar OESocketServer.jar -d 3

This will launch the program that listens for connections and launches engines in debug mode. When your VB application calls the .OIConnect method you should see debug output appear in the command prompt. Do you receive any dialog boxes before the OEngine window appears?

At 25 JUL 2012 02:10AM George A Malushkin wrote:

I couldnt find a command to start OEngine in debug mode nowhere.

If my OEngine doesn't work then VB app swears "Connection doesnt to establish on NNNN port". If OEngine works then I don't get any wrong messages but my VB app hangs up and take 50% of CPU.

At 27 JUL 2012 10:20AM Jared Bratu wrote:

The command to launch the OEngineServer service in debug mode is:

java -jar OESocketServer.jar -d 3

You must run it from a command prompt.

If you run the command and get an error that java isn't a recognized command then you must install the 32-bit version of Java and try again.

What happens when you run the debug mode command?

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