GPF in APILH2.DLL (Networking Products)
At 11 NOV 1998 08:10:11PM Henry Bolton wrote:
One of our clients has suddenly encountered a rather unusual problem. They're getting consistent GPFs in APILH2.DLL when saving a record, bringing up on-line help, retrieving records using an index, etc. The strangest part (from my point of view) is that it started happening at about lunchtime one day and hasn't let up since.
Needless to say, they're not getting much work done.
Here are the details of their system.
- Windows NT network version 3.5.
- OpenInsight version 3.6.1.
- Maximum of 11 users. Only using 3 concurrently.
- Using NPP
LH2.DLL dated 25 May 98, version
APILH2.DLL dated 25 May 98, version
RCLNPCLI.DLL dated 25 May 98, version
- Not using NT Service.
- They were using All Networks driver version, I got them to switch to version and it seemed to improve a bit. Using the system crashed almost immediately after logging in, takes longer to crash.
- REVPARAM file contains just "CacheFlushLocks=False"
The workstations are using Windows 95 with Client for Microsoft Networks, and the protocols are NetBEUI and TCP/IP.
Does anyone have any ideas what the problem could be?
At 14 NOV 1998 01:55PM - [url=]Sprezzatura, Inc.[/url] wrote:
I'm assuming this is all workstations?
At 15 NOV 1998 08:03PM Henry Bolton wrote:
Yeap, all workstations.
At 17 NOV 1998 10:43AM - [url=]Sprezzatura, Inc.[/url] wrote:
Well, if you really are on 3.5 NT, then going to 3.51 might help.
Can you think of some software you might have recently installed, or something new on the server?
Perhaps a reinstall of the NPP might be in order.
Is anything else running on the workstations? This include tray items, or an office toolbar or fast find? Perhaps shutting them down can determine where the conflict is.