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At 07 MAY 1998 03:09:36PM Michael Slack wrote:

Is there any way to do a split screen edit at the same TCL level? I've run into a couple occasions resently where it would have been very helpful to be able to look at two different sections of code within the same program (within the same editing session). I've seen other editors on other systems (non-Arev) which had this feature. I'm wondering if this same thing can be done under AREV 3.12? I use TCL at different levels quite often, what I'm looking for is so I don't have to flip back and forth between levels.

Thank You,

Michael Slack

At 07 MAY 1998 07:42PM Andrew P McAuley wrote:

On the REVSRC stuff that shipped with AREV 3.0+ (?) was a cool editor called MR_ED that did exactly that - check it out…

PS A Horse is a horse of course

At 08 MAY 1998 09:00AM Aaron Kaplan wrote:

Actually, it was in 2.12.

By the way, has anyone else noticed that you never saw Mr. Ed and Richard Nixon in the same time and the same place?

Sprezzatura, Inc.


At 08 MAY 1998 09:28AM Michael Slack wrote:

Who do you think was the real power behind Richard Nixon?

Michael Slack

At 08 MAY 1998 10:28AM Michael Slack wrote:

I've looked around in our AREV 3.12 system and haven't yet found the editing program by the name of MR_ED (or anything close to that). I was wondering if anyone can tell me who we might be able to obtain it from?

Thank You,

Michael Slack

At 08 MAY 1998 01:09PM Victor Engel wrote:

Of course it has source.

So you can change it if you want.

At 11 MAY 1998 03:54PM bob lynch wrote:

I found Mr. ED on TV Land.

Just kidding. In AREV212 there is a directory called REVSRC. Under that directory there is a file name SOURCE.EXE. It is a compressed file, just type the name it will decompress. From the TCL attach the volume. the source code is in a file name REVSOURCE. Just compile MR_ED and you are good to go. The is a record called MR_ED_TEXT which contains the documentation.


At 13 MAY 1998 03:40AM Charles Schmidling wrote:

I'm going out on a rotting apple branch here but …

I long time ago, I wrote the COMPASS/SEDT screen text editor and actually had in an old Rev developers catalog. Never sold. Never pursued. Time passed.

I use it extensively for my stuff and can't really imagine life without it. It's modeled loosely around the old VAX/EDT editor with embellishments from another editor used at a local university. It is simple, by todays standards, but features some neat functions like multiple editable paste buffers and split editing windows.

Here the catch: It was written for a WANG PC in RevF and converted to IBM compatibles later. It's currently compiled in RevG and has never seen an AREV compiler. I haven't touched it in ten year and it could use some updating but I lack motivation.

I'm not sure it could run, as is, on an AREV machine. And since I don't usually release source, I don't have a way to re-compile it. I suppose I could let the source go.


Charles Schmidling

DATASCAN Systems, Inc.

cbms "at" belnet "dot" com

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