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At 19 OCT 1998 06:38:29PM Curt Putnam wrote:

WOuld someone be so kind as to post the arguments for this routine?

Tia, Curt

At 19 OCT 1998 11:10PM Don Bakke wrote:


Make.List(cursor, keylist, f_datavar, f_dictvar)

cursor-Specify the cursor number. Valid cursors numbers are 0 through 8.

keylist-An @fm-delimited list of keys.

f_datavar-The file handle for the data file as set by the open statement.

f_dictvar-The file handle for the dictionary file as set by the open statement.

We just usually call it like so:

Make.List(0, Keylist, "", "")

So the result is an active cursor.

SRP Computer Solutions

At 21 OCT 1998 12:24AM Curt Putnam wrote:

Precisely what I needed!

Thank you!


At 31 OCT 1998 04:30PM Gary Gnu wrote:

Well, on the plus side, it's good for taking a listing of keys and turning them into an active list. You could then do a savelist and keep them around for a while.

On the down side, if your planning on using the routine right away, it would probably be faster to loop right through the list than using READNEXT, but it depends on what you're actually doing.

Just my 2ยข

Gary Gnu

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