Arev 3.12 and Windows 98 (AREV Specific)
At 04 JUL 2001 10:46:24PM Bob Silverstein wrote:
Can you run Arev 3.12 with Novell as the network operating system and use Windows 98 instead? If so, how?
At 05 JUL 2001 06:07AM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
You can use Novell 3.12 as the file server, load the Windows 98 workstation with the Novell client for Windows 9x, and include IPX in the Windows communications protocols.
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 05 JUL 2001 09:41PM Bob Silverstein wrote:
I take it from your answer that Novell is absolutely necessary.
At 06 JUL 2001 06:28AM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
You could run a peer-to-peer arrangeent back to a Win 98 server and omit Novell.
Just consider the following -
Novell is designed as a server - Win 98 is not.
You'd have to disable write-behind caching on the Win 98 box.
The general reliability of the whole newtork would decrease.
If you must use an MS Windows server, at least opt for NT. It's
*designed* as a server.
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 06 JUL 2001 07:02AM Bob Silverstein wrote:
Thanks for the advice. Installing Novell or NT/2000 is a deal-breaker. That is why I want to forge ahead with Windows 98. The acutal implementation uses AREV for data entry and OI for output. Do your comments apply also to OI?
At 08 JUL 2001 06:38AM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
The choice of network platform is independent of the AREV/OI descision - for all effective purposes, from the network issues perspective, AREV and OI are virutally the same beast.
We wouldn't opt for a Win 98 server solution because it's like someone who can't afford a car strapping two bicycles together.
In low traffic situations Win 98 can be stabilized to work (with such techniques as attaching local copies of the LISTS file). Expect the occasional GFE, and ensure that no AREV user works on the PC where the AREV database lives (i.e. dedicated server).
World Leaders in all things RevSoft