Creating scnd XO (OpenInsight Specific)
At 15 OCT 1998 07:30:40AM wrote:
Environment: OI3.2 WinNT WS MSSQL Server 6.5
I can't create a second XO to the same database which I already have
one XO …
I know that there are 'free users' on the SQL side, and I have no
problems logging in from ISQLW …
any1 got an idea ??
At 19 OCT 1998 09:50AM Cameron Revelation wrote:
Can you create two connections up front? (Before you being the other processing?) Any other details?
Cameron Purdy
Revelation Software
At 28 OCT 1998 07:24AM wrote:
I'll look into this a bit deeper .. (sorry for the weak information)
I have another question .. is there any way to get error-info from XOInstance, e.g. why it didn't create the xo ???
At 28 OCT 1998 08:07AM Carl Pates Sprezzatura wrote:
Will XOMethod( XO_GETERROR$ ) work? If you pass 0 for the hXO it should come back with the low level API errors…
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