FIXVOL.EXE Error: InitializeFileuse Failed 1003 - 1 - 0 (AREV Specific)
At 04 APR 2006 08:50:49PM Dave Sepa wrote:
I'm in the process of performing a test migration to Windows 2000 2.1 Service from Novell NLM 1.5a. After installing the service on the Windows 2000 server I am quickly prompted that I need to run FIXVOL.EXE on all Revelation databases.
Running this under one of the directories produces the following error:
InitializeFileuse Failed 1003 - 1 - 0
Right now all Revparam files are set to ServerOnly=0, with the Network Client in Arev set to None. I am executing the Fixvol.exe locally from the server, as I didn't see any details for the client to run this utility.
Anyone experience this message before?
At 04 APR 2006 11:25PM Warren Auyong wrote:
I've installed the LH service on 3 or 4 servers and have never seen that error. Did you shut down the service before running fixvol? I've never seen fixvol actually do anything that I could tell either so it may not be necessary to run it.
At 05 APR 2006 12:46AM Dave Sepa wrote:
The service was stopped and all the Revparam files were set to ServerOnly=0. When fixvol encounters this message it does it after it has scanning other revelation databases. I ran this in 2 other directories and found 2 GFE's.
At 05 APR 2006 11:06AM Victor Engel wrote:
If the LK portion of your files exceeds 64 MB, then records may be hashed to the wrong groups. In that case, fixvol puts them where they should be. It's possible no records will be found in wrong groups, in which case you're in good shape. But if you have records in the wrong group and you don't run fixvol, then those records will no longer be accessible, because the driver will look for them in the right group (which is not where they are).
At least that's my understanding of what the utility fixes.
At 05 APR 2006 02:31PM Warren Auyong wrote:
Here's what the readme says:
"Revelation Software has fixed a linear hash problem in the NT Service which occurs in files with modulos exceeding 64K. This "Group Calculation Error" causes records to be written to incorrect locations within a file. It is important to understand that a Group Calculation Error is a form of corruption which can cause data loss.
You can determine whether you have any files with a modulo that exceeds 64K by examining the length of the .LK portion of you files. All .LK files with a file size equal to or greater than 64MB have this problem. To correct this problem, Revelation has provided the FIXVOL utility.
Using the FIXVOL Utility
The FIXVOL utility repairs linear hash files that have Group Calculation Errors (GCE) which are similar to Group Format Errors (GFE). GCEs occur in files with modulos exceeding 64K, in which case records are hashed to the wrong group. After a file is updated and resized, records can appear to be lost or missing. They have been saved, but in the wrong hash group and therefore cannot be located. These corrupted files are those with a .LK extension and a size equal to or greater than 64MB.
Revelation Software provides the FIXVOL utility to correct this problem. This utility is composed of two files: FIXVOL.EXE and FIXGCE.EXE. The installation program copies these files to the directories containing OINSIGHT.EXE or AREV.EXE.
To run the FIXVOL utility you must be in the directory containing the .LK files to be fixed. You then type in the following at a DOS command line:
for Advanced Revelation: C:\AREV\FIXVOL.EXE
Note: You may want to put your OpenInsight or Advanced Revelation directory in your path, at least temporarily, to avoid the need for typing the full path each time you need to run the FIXVOL utility. This would be particularly helpful when you have several directories contain .LK files.
The FIXVOL utility calls the FIXGCE.EXE program which checks each .LK file for both GCEs and GFEs. When GCEs are found, the file is rehashed and records are assigned to the correct location. Any previously missing or lost records can now be found. A log (FIXGCE.LOG) is written to the directory containing the .LK files, detailing the files checked and corrections made.
If GFEs are encountered, this correction process is halted, and entries are made to the log (FIXGCE.LOG) specifying which files have GFEs. These errors can and should be corrected using the standard linear hash maintenance utilities: in OpenInsight - FIX_LH; in Advanced Revelation - DUMP -] FIX, or FIXLH_SUB, or the Fix Linear Hash menu item (depending on the version of Advanced Revelation). After these corrections are made, the FIXVOL utility should be run again.
Revelation Software recommends that the FIXVOL utility be run as a precaution in every directory containing files with a .LK extension, regardless of their size and whether or not an error has been detected."
In the four or so installs I've done the log files all came up clean. The log files are the place to look to see what's going on.