Run-Time Indexing Woes (OpenInsight Specific)
At 06 SEP 2000 12:19:07AM Mark Plasko wrote:
OI 3.7.0
After creating a runtime application, I came across an indexing problem. The database manager says that all of the runtime's indexes have been created, but when records are added to files with Btree indexes, the indexes are not updated. The scripts depending on Btree.extact subroutines cannot find the records. Each Btree.extract call is preceded by an update_index routine.
I deleted the indexes in the development system and then rebuilt them before building another runtime system. Same problem. When using the runtime's lb.exe database manager to rebuild the indexes, all of the indexed data shows up properly, but afterwards, when new records are added, they are not updated.
The development system runs like a champ. Not a glitch, every index is updated properly before running btree.extract.
Any ideas on how index updating differs between a runtime and development systems? Or is there something I missed (which wouldn't surprise me in the least :))?
At 06 SEP 2000 05:38AM Richard Bright wrote:
Off top of head, I think that your problem is to do with v3.7.0 not adding the indexes to the database image (dbt). That is when you re-logon all files EXCEPT indexes are attached. Need to rebuild the dbt file using the Developer Oengine.exe. Better still upgrade to 3.71 version. (Then again there was a problem with 3.71 in the RDKinstall - but that was fixable.)
Richard Bright
At 06 SEP 2000 12:39PM Mark Plasko wrote:
Thanks, Richard.
Does rebuilding the dbt file involve copying the developer openengine file over the runtime version, or is there more involved?