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At 05 MAY 2000 02:44:17PM Dale Walker wrote:

Could one of you Arev printer Gurus give me a hint on how to invoke the bold, italic, etc strings that are specified in the printer environment window.

Also, does the default page height and width definitions apply across the board for all printers? For example I have a wide carriage dot matrix and a laser.

Thanks again


At 05 MAY 2000 03:57PM Larry Wilson - TARDIS Systems, Inc. wrote:

First, as to BOLD, etc. look in SYSINCLUDE (or INCLUDE in pre 3.x versions) for print_constants (maybe print.constants). For an expanded constants file that includes equates for current printer number and name, visit my website and the utilities page.

As for width and height, there are two places to set them. In DEFINE printers (the 3 printer window) you have the default height and width; these are used if you don't have a height or width on the printer. To set those, modify the printer definition.

At 08 MAY 2000 10:43AM Dale Walker wrote:

I appreciate your response. I would appreciate more info concerning SYSINCLUDE. How does one invoke this in an r/basic routine?

Also, if one has a barcode or a ticket printer, it is going to be less than 66 lines in height. If I create a printer definition and it is out of sync with the default height and they are running in the same application envionment, is it not true that the same height and width are uniform applies to all printers?

Do I have to create a different printer "environment" on the fly?


At 22 MAY 2000 02:40PM Larry Wilson - TARDIS Systems, Inc. wrote:

Sorry to take so long; I didn't check back here.

SYSINCLUDE or INCLUDE - depending on version (or SYS_INCLUDE)


Also, if one has a barcode or a ticket printer, it is going to be less than 66 lines in height. If I create a printer definition and it is out of sync with the default height and they are running in the same application envionment, is it not true that the same height and width are uniform applies to all printers?

if you do a SETUPRINTER and the printer definition has height/width on it, the sytsem will use that. The system will only use default h/w if you don't have that defined on the printer you are using or if you haven't done a SETPRINTER yet. Do I have to create a different printer "environment" on the fly? Don't know. You can. It's a mess, though. You can call SETPRINTER on the fly (i.e. R/BASIC - call SETPRINTER and let the user pick the printer.

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