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At 22 APR 1999 01:55:50PM Weiwu Zhu wrote:

Thanks for help from Stephen, David, Cameron, Aaron and Oystein.

I have done something based on 'Microsoft SQL 7.0 and OpenInsight 3.7', etc., and I have converted three sample tables (SQL7TEST, Stock, Receipt) into my SQL Server 7.

However, I met some problems when I wanted to convert formal Arev tables in a Arev application into SQL server 7:

1. when creating warehousing procedure and selecting a table, error message:"No primary key is defined for the ... table". (Qestion: the

PK is necessary to create the procedure? If no PK in a Arev table, what can I do for the conversion?)

2. when clicking CONNCTION button in 'Initiate warehousing', connection error:"Attempt to set unknown loginrec field" or "Unexpected EOF from SQL Server".
3. I cannot open tabls which have been added/attached in OI already in Database Manager, error message:"No dictionary exists for this

table" or "cannot open the table". How to solve the problem?

4. when creating Warehouse Procedure, I can just see parts of tables attached in OI in the list of 'Select tables', that means I cannot use

other un-listed tables. Where are these un-listed tables? How would I do further?

Thank you very much for Your further support.


At 26 APR 1999 06:19PM Cameron Revelation wrote:


1. when creating warehousing procedure and selecting a table, error message:"No primary key is defined for the … table". (Qestion: the

PK is necessary to create the procedure? If no PK in a Arev table, what can I do for the conversion?)

Check if there is a 0*0 or a set of 0*n (where n is 1 .. some number) of fields defined in the dict. If not, create them.

2. when clicking CONNCTION button in 'Initiate warehousing', connection error:"Attempt to set unknown loginrec field" or "Unexpected EOF from SQL Server".

That sounds like you have an older version of W3DBLIB.DLL that you are using but you are using a newer SQL Server connection object with Microsoft specific SQL Server options. I also talked to an author of a SQL 7 training course yesterday, and he mentioned some bugs to do with passwords being passed to SQL Server. You may want to check with MS if there are any updates for the SQL Server client.

3. I cannot open tabls which have been added/attached in OI already in Database Manager, error message:"No dictionary exists for this

table" or "cannot open the table". How to solve the problem?

It sounds like they are not attached. Maybe you attached the data tables but not the dictionaries? That may also explain #1 above.

BTW, what version of Arev? OpenInsight is interoperable with Arev dictionaries only for Arev 3.1 and later. Otherwise you have to (or at least should) upgrade those Arev dictionaries first.

4. when creating Warehouse Procedure, I can just see parts of tables attached in OI in the list of 'Select tables', that means I cannot use

other un-listed tables. Where are these un-listed tables? How would I do further?

It only lists tables that are non-system tables and have dictionaries available. See problem #3.

Cameron Purdy

Revelation Software

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