Changing Prompt from Protected to Required (AREV Specific)
At 19 JUN 2000 01:10:29PM Matt Sorrell wrote:
I'm having another problem with window processing.
On my window, I have a term date and a term reason prompt. In design mode, term date is optional and term reason is protected. I don't want them entering a term reason without a term date.
In the post prompt for the term date, I call a subroutine which checks to see if a value has been entered for term date. If a value has been entered, I change the entry type of the term reason prompt from "P" to "R". ( WC_W%(PromptNo)=R' ).
The cursor should at this point land on the term reason field, since it is next in the prompt order. However, it doesn't recognize that the prompt is no longer protected and skips it. When the cursor comes back around to term reason, it is now required and the window won't let you skip the prompt without entering data.
I have tried various values for DISPLAY_ACTION% and RESET%, but cannot get the window to recognize that term reason is now required without first skipping it.
Any ideas?
At 19 JUN 2000 01:30PM Larry Wilson - TARDIS Systems wrote:
Download my PROMPT_ACTION program from the Downloads page of my website - it will do exactly what you want (plus a lot more).Larry Wilson
At 20 JUN 2000 10:01AM Matt Sorrell wrote:
Thanks for the code. I didn't need all of the functionality it provided, but it did show me what I was doing wrong.
Actually, I was doing two things wrong, but what they hey.