Changing color of text on a button (OpenInsight Specific)
At 05 MAY 1998 08:23:49AM Jeff Word wrote:
In form designer, when I click on a button and change the font color it will change. However, when I look at the window in form designer the button text color is always black. Likewise, when I run the form the button text is black. Anyone know why and how to get the color to change?
At 05 MAY 1998 08:50AM Aaron Kaplan wrote:
It's the version of CTL3D.DLL. Check your mail.
At 05 MAY 1998 10:58AM Jeff Word wrote:
Thanks Aaron! That did work. The file is dated 1994 though and makes Win 95 look a little Win 3.1(ish). I have one dated 5/8/95 but it will not let you set color on the text of buttons. Anyone have a copy that is a better combination of these two?
Please email it to
At 12 MAY 1998 12:06PM Gregg Tate wrote:
As near as I can tell by create dates on my machine, the Mcafee AntiVirus update download gave me a new ctl3d.dll which is much newer!
I can forward if you cannot obtain otherwise.
Gregg Tate