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Refresh a prompt's color and entry type? (AREV Specific)

At 30 APR 2004 05:51:41PM Michael Slack wrote:

I'm working on an AREV 3.12 application. I have a screen that has a few prompts that change color and change entry type (Optional, Protected, Required) depending on different data conditions. The prompts are changed thru the WC_W% window varaiable. The problem comes in when a user works on a group of rows thru an active browse list. One row may set some of the promtps. Then the next row my not meet the condition to change those prompts, so they stay the same as the last row but they are set incorrectly for the current row.

I'm looking to refresh all of the possible effected prompts by getting their original settings. From reading thru the Window Common Reference manual, that looked like WC_PROMPTS%. When I tried it in the post read section of code, like:

WC_W%(2) =WC_PROMPTS%(2)


When I compiled the program, I got the message:

'WC_PROMPTS%' has not been dimensioned or declared as a function.

I've double checked and the program does insert the WINDOW_COMMON% and it the common has WC_PROMPTS% inside of it.

I've tried different settings of the WC_DISPLAY_ACTION%. And I've tried it in combination with WC_RESET%. All with no luck.

Can anyone tell me were I might find the original prompt setting for a window, while in the window? I'm looking for something that is immutable while the window is running. I have thought about saving off the values of the effected prompts at about the Post Initialize point but I was hoping for something a little more elegant.

Thank you for your time.

Michael Slack

At 30 APR 2004 07:44PM Richard Hunt wrote:

I believe your problem is that you are treating the WC_PROMPTS% variable as a dimensioned array. It is not!

At 04 MAY 2004 09:42AM Michael Slack wrote:

Hello Richard:

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.  You hit it right on the mark.  I was so wrapped up in thinking in WC_W% terms that I ddin't see the WC_PROMPTS% discription that said that it is a dynamic array.  It was plain as day once I focused on it.  Once I made the needed changes, things started to work correctly.


Michael Slack

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