(AREV Specific)
At 30 OCT 1997 09:13:29PM Mike Haugen wrote:
We are running arev 2.12 on a novell 3.12 network. About a week ago, I had something kind of interesting happen and I'm not sure what caused it. Basically, the whole system locked and nobody could get on. I got several different errors at different workstations. Here were a few : Maximum # of variables exceeded. (continuous scrolling), fatal error reading $sub.edit $index.control in file verbs, Linear hash error in rev00000.lk.
This has never happened before and I fixed the problem by restoring rev00000.lk from the backup.
Usually when this kind of thing happens, I just have everyone log out and then I can get back in, but this time, I couldn't even get in to AREV to try and fix the file. What could have caused this and is there anyway to prevent it in the future. The only way I even knew to restore this file was because one of the remote stations had rev still up and the message with this file was on this station.
Mike . . .
At 31 OCT 1997 12:22AM John Duquette wrote:
Well one way that would prevent problems like
that is the NLM. You didn't say what OS the
workstations were using but if they are Win95
you will need it. The NLM would have almost
assuredly prevented this problem.
What caused the GFE? It could have been alot
of things, most likely is that some machine locked
while it had verbs open and it went downhill from
John Revelation
At 31 OCT 1997 08:23AM Aaron Kaplan wrote:
If you use PDISK, it could be related to file handles. Try increasing your file handles in CONFIG.SYS and NET.CFG.