inet_queryparam and POST requests (OpenInsight 32-bit)
At 28 FEB 2013 06:04:14PM paxton scott wrote:
OI V9.1.1:OengineServer:Apache/2.217
When sending ü across the internet, it is encoded as %C3%BC so, a word such as Müzeyyen is transmitted as
When inet_querryParam() parses the message it becomes Müzeyyen
Where am I going wrong?
What to do?
Have fun!
At 12 MAR 2013 04:08PM paxton scott wrote:
No replies. Maybe because I mis-typed the name of inet_queryParam()? No one has seen this problem? Solution so simple no need to reply?
My plan, not tried yet is to trap %C3%BC in the string and convert it to something that inet_QueryParam() will parse correctly.
Have fun!
At 13 MAR 2013 04:05PM Jared Bratu wrote:
Did you see this posting about UTF8 and OEngineServer? Any request that comes int through OECGI3 will pass through the OEngine/OESocketServer which might be doing some translation on the data.
At 13 MAR 2013 06:54PM paxton scott wrote:
What is handed to inet_queryparam in the parameter 'message' is the sent string encoded in the URL % format.
inet_queryparam seems to not handle multi-byte character encodings, as I explained in the original post. I examine the string after OEngineServer and.
In the meantime as a work around, I have written a simple function with only a series of swap statements to swap multi-byte urlencoded characters to the UTF-8 character. message = fixmultibytechars(message) placed at the beginning of my inet_routine. inet_quereyParam then processes the string correctly
Problem solved.
Have fun,