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At 22 NOV 1999 04:15:30PM Joel Hammond wrote:

I'm trying to fix an REV G application that quit working for some reason. The app is a commercial product that is no longer supported by the vendor. The computer is running DOS 3.2, no Windows or Networking. The app scans images, indexes them and stores them on a laser optical disk.

I only found out it was a Revelation product when I traced through some dos batch files and came upon the command REV DOS which displays the following:

Cannot read error message file "ROSERROR.000". Continuing without error messages…You are using a copy of Revelation that is owned by Cosmos Inc…(Release G2IBM012886)…

8087 Chip. 315K bytes of string space.


If anyone can tell me about this error message or how I might salvage the database I would appreciate the help. I don't own a developer version of Revelation.

Joel Hammond

At 22 NOV 1999 04:42PM CT Savell wrote:

It sounds like your ROSERROR.000 file is corrupted on the hard drive and the solution should be as simple as copying the orginal ROSERROR.000 file from the install diskette on to the hard drive directory containing the corrupted ROSERROR.000. ROSERROR.000 is a standard Revelation (COSMOS) file that comes with the REV.EXE executible (and some other files) and is independent of your application.

By the way, is that the extent of your problems with this application?

Tom Savell

At 22 NOV 1999 04:48PM Joel Hammond wrote:

I don't know if that's the extent of the problem. Perhaps the file has always been missing but only now became important because of another problem that has arisen.

At 22 NOV 1999 05:00PM Steve Smith wrote:

If I can be of any help with the resurrection then email me.


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