consultant needed - buffalo area (AREV Specific)
At 20 JAN 1998 07:28:56AM robin perry wrote:
please respond if there is some interest in a small consulting job in the buffalo area for a not-for profit company. requires anywhere from 30-60 hours per month.
At 22 JAN 1998 12:52PM anon wrote:
Please put your phone number or your e-mail address on your messages
so we can reach you outside the forum.
At 22 JAN 1998 07:33PM Robin Perry wrote:
At 22 JAN 1998 07:37PM Robin Perry wrote:
No problem:
Hope to hear from you.
At 26 JAN 1998 09:40AM Gary Abbott wrote:
E-mail me with more info if the I can tele-commute. I'm in Baltimore, MD.
Gary Abbott
At 08 MAR 1998 12:35PM Egbert Poell wrote:
I don't know if you found the one who can do the job but if not I might be able to help.
I am an AREV developer in the Netherlands with over 10 years of experience.
You can email me at for more details.
Best regards
Egbert Poell