Season's Greetings (OpenInsight Specific)
At 24 DEC 1998 10:35:30AM onmouseover=window.status=why not click here to send me email?;return(true)", [url=" onMouseOver=window.status=Why not click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]Sprezzatura Ltd[/url] wrote:
As Sprezz UK signs off for Xmas just a note to say "have a great holiday and a prosperous New Year". For those of you who profess a Christian faith - enjoy your celebration of Christ's birth, for those of you who don't - enjoy the festivities. (Note these options are not mutually exclusive!).
Thanks to all for their patronage during 1998 - may we all have a successful 1999!
Happy Christmas people! onmouseover=window.status=why not click here to send me email?;return(true)"
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