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At 28 JUN 1999 01:54:34PM Greg Hofer wrote:

I am wondering how to create a new table record from a form in this circumstance:

I have tables with integer keys defined as "SeqKey". When I open the form it will display a new record with the next availabe record key. Next I edit an existing record. Now how do I get the form to display a new record with the next available key again? Is there a function that I must call?

Thanks for the help.

- Greg

At 28 JUN 1999 02:02PM onmouseover=window.status=why not click here to send me email?;return(true)", [url=" onMouseOver=window.status=Why not click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

Send a CLEAR event to the form.

Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 28 JUN 1999 02:58PM Steve C. wrote:

Maybe I'm looking at your question a little too simply, but after you edit the record, save the record with the key of menu . Once saved a new record with the next "SeqKey" should appear. If your problem is that you are doing this and a new record does not appear then try Andrew's suggestion.

Steve C.

At 30 JUN 1999 12:23AM Greg Hofer wrote:

Thanks. That was what I was looking for. I didn't know that F9 saved the record and I also needed a way to clear the form via a button.

- Greg

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