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At 29 AUG 2000 05:02:47AM Peter Kassinski wrote:


My target is disable Ctrl-P in window.

I use old method - put in PreInitialize prompt CNRL_P, where

CNRl_P is next program:



KEYS.OFF := CHAR(254):CHAR(16)




But I have no result.

What is wrong ? Is CNRL-P a special

combination ? Because I use this method for disable ALT-C, ALT-D with good effect .


At 29 AUG 2000 09:14AM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:

Methinks that DOS or the BIOS gets there first and so AREV can't disable it. Ditto with print-screen.

Don Miller

C3 Inc.

At 29 AUG 2000 09:46AM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

I'm not sure what Ctrl-P is. Perhaps you mean Alt-P which is \0019\.

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 30 AUG 2000 04:07AM Peter Kassinski wrote:

Thank you for your answer.

Ctrl-P means print data from current window.

And what do you think in this case ?

Best regards.

At 31 AUG 2000 09:59AM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:

My earlier response applies here. Windows gets the keystroke and acts on it before AREV can see it. The same would apply to the Print Screen key (if it's enabled in the properties of the shortcut, it is passed to DOS - which may redirect it to a network printer). If it's not enabled then the current screen is copied to the clipboard. In either case, you can't trap it in AREV. Almost all of the windows-reserved keys can't be disabled in AREV since they are grabbed ahead of AREV and acted on.

Don Miller

C3 Inc.

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