NLM_STATS Linebreak (AREV Specific)
At 29 APR 2003 11:52:26AM Victor Engel wrote:
I just got a linebreak in NLM_STATS. I have never seen this happen before, but I can reproduce it:
Line 481 'NLM_STATS*11528' broke because a run time error was encountered.
The number is related to in-house software distribution control. The actual object code shows 15:19:25 13 MAY 1996 as the timestamp.
The line break seems to happen when I have two servers listed and I select the one that is not my home server from the Communications menu:
NLM_STATS, Communications, serverid
It's like Russian Roulette, though. Sometimes I get a linebreak, sometimes I don't. In fact, I can navigate in and out of the popups selecting the exact same selections, and sometimes I get a linebreak, sometimes I don't. But I only get a linebreak when I select the server that is not my home server. The secondary server appears first in the popup.
I know source to NLM_STATS was released, but I don't have access to it. I wonder if anyone else has encountered this problem.
NLM_STATS shows NLM version 1.10.
At 29 APR 2003 01:03PM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:
Victor ..
I have the source to NLM_STATS .. it was released a while back. If you'd like a copy, e-mail me at:
Don M.