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At 09 OCT 2000 08:44:03AM Steve Carlson wrote:

Last week I was able to execute INET_TRACE and bring up data

using sambar on my local computer. Today it doesn't work…..

Does anyone have a "simple" cause to this that you have seen before??

OI 3.61, Netscape 4.7, and sambar 4.2


Steve C.

p.s. oicgi.exe still in same location.

At 09 OCT 2000 09:17AM Oystein Reigem wrote:


how simple do you want them? :-)

- sambar not running

- inet_gateway not running

- various errors in url (http://nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn/cgi-bin/oicgi.exe/Inet_Trace)

- made your own Inet_Security, with bugs

do you get any response at all?

- oystein -

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