Smaller Slice of the Pie .. Time In Milliseconds (OpenInsight 32-bit Specific)
At 28 OCT 2002 07:17:02PM wrote:
How can I get time in milliseconds? I know I can start a timer but I really need what time it is in milli .. if possible.
Wasn't there a DosTime in Arev ..
Anyway if anyone knows how to get it in OpenInsight please let me know ..
thanks onmouseover=window.status=the new revelation technology .. a
refreshing change;return(true)"
David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions
Phone: 971-570-2005
OS: Win2k sp2 (5.00.2195)
OI: 4.1.2
At 28 OCT 2002 08:20PM Pat McNerthney wrote:
Time in milleseconds since when?Pat
At 28 OCT 2002 08:39PM wrote:
Actually I went back and it looks like DosTime in arev delivered upto .99 resolution. Whether it was exact or not I don't know .. but I need something like this. onmouseover=window.status=the new revelation technology .. a
refreshing change;return(true)"
David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions
Phone: 971-570-2005
OS: Win2k sp2 (5.00.2195)
OI: 4.1.2
At 28 OCT 2002 09:42PM Pat McNerthney wrote:
Does this work for you?
At 29 OCT 2002 01:19AM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
Ahhh! So *that's* the reason Windows won't run longer than 49.7 days without hanging…
Dave? 'Fess up! Have you been overclocking your hardware again?
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 29 OCT 2002 02:47AM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
Call DosTime(Time)
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 29 OCT 2002 04:49PM wrote:
I was sure I tried it in OI .. but then I must not have.
would love to see this doc'd
thanks onmouseover=window.status=the new revelation technology .. a refreshing change;return(true)"
David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions
Phone: 971-570-2005
OS: Win2k sp2 (5.00.2195)
OI: 4.1.2
At 29 OCT 2002 04:51PM wrote:
Cool .. I guess I will play with making a user def for that
But then ONE of the Sprezz Heads pointed out that DosTime does exist in OI. Don't know how I missed it but there you go .. still going to play it since it has been so long since I last played with def_fncs or what ever
Thanks onmouseover=window.status=the new revelation technology .. a refreshing change;return(true)"
David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions
Phone: 971-570-2005
OS: Win2k sp2 (5.00.2195)
OI: 4.1.2