FIXVOL utility (OpenInsight Specific)
At 23 JUN 1999 05:38:36PM Steve C. wrote:
After running FIXVOL, are the large REV files suppose to be resized to 64K or less, or does FIXVOL simple check for errors?
Steve C.
At 25 JUN 1999 04:52PM Stephen Revelation wrote:
From a document I found:
"The FIXVOL utility repairs linear hash files that have Group Calculation Errors (GCE's) in files with modulos exceeding 64k, in which case records are hashed to the wrong group. After a file is updated and resized, records can appear to be lost or missing. They have been saved, but in the wrong group and therefore cannot be located. These corrupted files are those with a .LK extension and a size equal to or greater than 64MB."
-Stephen Revelation
At 25 JUN 1999 05:28PM Steve C. wrote:
I read that and all other docs I have on FIXVOL,
They all appear to say the large files will be resized, but
after running FIXVOL, I compared the before and after file sizes
and nothing changed… still have 1 and 2 meg. REV files.
Steve C.
At 28 JUN 1999 10:05AM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:
Your files don't qualify and won't be resized. The FIXVOL issue only deals with files greater than 64 Megabytes. The problem surfaces because records are hashed into the wrong group with the Group Module exceeds 64MB.
Don Miller