Dedicated Indexer in OI (OpenInsight 32-bit Specific)
At 22 SEP 2006 09:21:24AM Frank Ritts wrote:
I have a Arev 3.12 product and it uses a Dedicated Indexer. I am moving over to OI 7.2. I know that it is recommended to move your indexing over to OI, which I intend to do. We will be running on both Arev and OI until the complete conversion takes place. Here's my questions.
Windows 2.1 service, Windows 2000 server. All machines are windows 2000 or higher.
1. Do I need a OI dedicated indexer?
If so,2. Is it setup the same way as the Arev indexer?
3. How do I turn off indexing on all workstations that are running OI except OI?
Any help would be appr……
I will post this also in the works area.
At 22 SEP 2006 06:52PM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
Answered in WORKS section :)
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