Editing within an EditTable (OpenInsight Specific)
At 02 AUG 2001 02:46:31AM rayc@symmetryinfo.com wrote:
In the 2nd column within an EditTable, I perform some data "validation" (under EditTable Properties.) If invalid data is entered, an error message is displayed; the bad data is cleared; and the cursor is set on the cell. What doesn't get validated is Null data. If the user hits enter without filling in anything, the validation routine doesn't get called. I don't want data in column two to be empty if there's data in column one. I edit for this in the validataion routine, but if no data is entered, the program isn't called
I don't want to make the item required as it doesn't work smoothly.
Any clues or suggestions. Thanks,
rayc@symmetryinfo.com onmouseover=window.status=imagine … ;return(true)"
Ray Chan ~ Symmetry Info
At 02 AUG 2001 03:22AM Oystein Reigem wrote:
Can't you check for illegal empty values in the edit table's POSCHANGED and LOSTFOCUS handlers?
Edit control validation could never handle empty values properly anyway. The user doesn't have to pass the cell/control to leave an empty value there. E.g, in your edit table the user might enter a value in the first cell of a line, then click directly on a different control.
- Oystein -
At 02 AUG 2001 10:40PM rayc@symmetryinfo.com wrote:
Oystein, Master of the EditTables!!!
Can't you check for illegal empty values in the edit table's POSCHANGED and LOSTFOCUS handlers?
Well, I did try POSCHANGED, but didn't haven't any luck. After your response, I went back and hacked away some more, but I think that I might be conflicting with somethings in promoted events . Any case, with your suggestion and 10 hours later , I decided to try LOSTFOCUS. I got this to work (error message, focus back on the EditTable table, restoring data, etc.) It's not as neat as POSCHANGED as I envisioned, but it pretty effective.
Edit control validation could never handle empty values properly anyway.
Boy I wish I knew this before I started banging my head. I think I need a quack (?)
…in your edit table the user might enter a value in the first cell of a line, then click directly on a different control.
Ahh, you're a "man" of experience. I didn't think of this initially. I have now taken this into account at the LOSTFOCUS .
Thanks for your help,
Ray Chan
rayc@symmetryinfo.com onmouseover=window.status=imagine … ;return(true)"
Ray Chan ~ Symmetry Info
At 03 AUG 2001 03:34AM Oystein Reigem wrote:
Master of the EditTables??????????????????
Edit tables cannot be mastered, and if you want to hear my honest opinion Revelation should have chucked out it many years ago and replaced it with a better grid control!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel better now having said that.
And I'm glad I could help.
- Oystein -
At 03 AUG 2001 09:24AM [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
They would have, but RTI was screwed by the sins of the past, yet again. The control was leading edge at the time. Jim Vaughn and a few others (Don Bakke?) tried working with later versions of the control, and from what I remember, their results were promising, but not complete. It solved many problems and gave them much needed features, but there were some issues that I beleive led them to think it was more trouble than it was worth.
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 03 AUG 2001 09:38AM Oystein Reigem wrote:
I guess I've learned to live with most of its functional quirks. I think if a good fairy came by today and offered to change just one single thing about the edit table my choice would be its appearance. Its row and heading buttons are so out of fashion. If I bring an edit table into a form I can almost hear the other controls go "Tsk, tsk, …".
- Oystein -
At 03 AUG 2001 09:41AM [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
I can almost hear the other controls go "Tsk, tsk, …"
I laughed so hard, I almost spit my coffee onto my machine!!
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 03 AUG 2001 12:19PM [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
We tried playing with v4 of the DataTable control at one of our NZ clients last year. Although it MOSTLY works out of the box one thing that wasn't running was full data validation due to the way the Data Table controls it's own Edit Window (the little window that allows you to enter data in the table by pressing F2). OI was no longer receiving the correct event notifications. I think this was actually able to be worked around …
Pretty sure there was another issue too but can't remember it now!
Anyway - you'll be lucky to find a copy of the 16-bit version these days as Protoview haven't marketed it for a couple of years at least!
World leaders in all things RevSoft
At 03 AUG 2001 02:26PM rayc@symmetryinfo.com wrote:
Edit tables cannot be mastered, and if you want to hear my honest opinion Revelation should have chucked out it many years ago and replaced it with a better grid control!!!!!!!!!!!
[/b] I know that many would agree with this sentiment. I was looking at another app – non-OI by a former AREV developer :( . I didn't say anything. I felt maybe some jealousy, envy, and shamed. What a cool and "modern" looking EditTable she had …. Tony Splaver, author of OIPI, is supposed to be working on some additional controls that could be incorporated into OI. Does anyone know if a possible replacement is in the works either by Tony or someone (RTI??) Well when all is said and done, you are the "master". You have helped me out of "EditTable Hell" more than once. I appreciate it. Moving forward with OI. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Ray rayc@symmetryinfo.com onmouseover=window.status=imagine … ;return(true)" Symmetry Info Ray Chan ~ Symmetry Info </QUOTE> —- === At 04 AUG 2001 04:38PM Donald Bakke wrote: === <QUOTE>Ray, I was working with Tony on finding a suitable grid control (i.e. edittable) replacement. Unfortunately it hasn't been very easy to find a grid control that satisfies all of our needs. First, the control should be sufficiently more advanced than the existing edittable control or otherwise it wouldn't be worth all the work it would take to implement this. Second, the more complex the grid control is the more overhead is required by OI to manage it through the messaging system Tony has set up with the OIWAM. So, in other words, if the control is too simple then its a waste of time. If the control is too complex then it becomes too unwieldy to be a robust solution. I had to back off on this quest for a little while to address other needs. Usually Tony is pretty good about accomplishing project goals when there are others who are continually working with him. I don't know how he has come along since I last touched base with him…which was about 2 months ago. We were working on getting as much of the OIWAM completed so I could demo it at the Los Angeles Roadshow last June. We had some stuff to show but the event was so time crunched that it didn't seem plausible to try. Soon I'll be focusing on the OIWAM stuff again and I'll try to keep you posted on any grid contro replacement possibilities. dbakke@srpcs.com SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.
</QUOTE> —- === At 05 AUG 2001 05:38AM Oystein Reigem wrote: === <QUOTE>Don, Advanced? No matter how advanced a component is there'll always be cases when the developer wants something to be different. So the component being open to changes is also very important. E.g, in an edit table one should be able to override the Del and Ins standard processing. - Oystein - </QUOTE> —- === At 05 AUG 2001 10:09PM rayc@symmetryinfo.com wrote: === <QUOTE>Don, Glad to hear that you're keeping busy and out of trouble . I went to Splaver's web site and saw that the latest OIWAM controls are version 1.0 Alpha 2. The offering looks pretty neat (2D and 3D charts, Pictures, Faxing, Email, Serial communication, etc.), but alas no EditTable . I'm assuming being that you were going to demo OIWAM that the OIWAM is more robust than its "Alpha" designation might imply. As you might understand, I can't afford too much "play time". Meanwhile the cell button you provided for our EditTable works great and I am most appreciative. They help make Edittables look more user friendly and spiffy. If the OIWAM stuff is in pretty good shape, I might consider making use of them. Of course, if you (or Splaver or RTI) make any improvements to the EditTable, please keep me posted. Thanks for your response, Ray rayc@symmetryinfo.com onmouseover=window.status=imagine … ;return(true)" Symmetry Info Ray Chan ~ Symmetry Info </QUOTE> —- === At 06 AUG 2001 10:04AM Donald Bakke wrote: === <QUOTE>Oystein, We're talking about two different issues here. You are commenting on the ability to alter the default properties/behavour of the grid control. I'm more referring to the overhead that comes with a control that is so dynamic that it clutters the messaging queues and slows OI to a crawl. The OIWAM works by intercepting the interaction that an end user is having with the control and then sends this as a text string to a hidden control on your form. The more complicated a control is and the more "messages" that it wants to fire the busier your form will be processing these messages (acknowledged via the CHANGED event.) dbakke@srpcs.com SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.
</QUOTE> —- === At 06 AUG 2001 10:06AM Donald Bakke wrote: === <QUOTE>Ray, The OIWAM does work pretty well for a few of the controls. However, I'll admit we haven't put anything in full production yet. The documentation is still pretty sparse so you might get more out of the OIWAM by studying the code Tony wrote for the example form he created. dbakke@srpcs.com SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.
</QUOTE> —- === At 06 AUG 2001 05:00PM Jim Vaughan wrote: === <QUOTE>Yes, I tried to integrate the new version of the DATATBL.DLL from ProtoView (I think that?s who wrote it) into OI. We hit all kinds of small problems. None seemed insurmountable but each would have taken time to work around. Other more important things came up and I never seemed to get back to working on it. Isn?t that the way of the programming world! I may not be around here much longer. I may need to seek a new or at least different area in which to work. Anyone have any leads on jobs in the OI/Arev market? jimrvaughan@earthlink.net </QUOTE> —- === At 07 AUG 2001 03:24AM Oystein Reigem wrote: === <QUOTE>Don, I don't know enough about this stuff to lead a proper discussion. You say that a component being advanced implies messaging overhead, with slow performance as a result. That makes sense. I say it's important the component's behaviour and appearance can be changed by the developer. Because a component can never be advanced enough to suit every use. Because it takes a lot of effort to make something that's very advanced. And because, according to you, advanced components are slow. But my question then is: Does the malleability I want also imply messaging overhead? - Oystein - </QUOTE> —- === At 07 AUG 2001 11:21AM Donald Bakke wrote: === <QUOTE>Oystein, Does the malleability I want also imply messaging overhead? I suspect no. This may be oversimplification on my part, but what you seemed to be describing is more akin to Properties whereas the areas I'm concerned with are more akin to Events. Properties, I believe, are more or less static once they've been established. Events, of course, are constantly chattering and thus creating the overhead I was talking about. dbakke@srpcs.com SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.
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