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At 07 APR 1999 07:23:34PM Marty Rosenbloom wrote:

Other than SET_PROPERTY(XXXX,"VISIBLE",3)is there a way to maximize the window in OI v2.61?

Marty Rosenbloom

At 07 APR 1999 10:41PM Don Bakke wrote:

I'm not sure why you would want another way, but you could always get the SIZE property of the SYSTEM and then make your window's SIZE property match it.

Barring that, just click on the maximize button on your title bar :-)

SRP Computer Solutions

At 08 APR 1999 07:27AM Marty Rosenbloom wrote:

]]I'm not sure why you would want another way«

When I change windows in my program it's kinda annoying to watch the windows expand.


At 08 APR 1999 08:28AM Oystein Reigem wrote:


Is this when you open a new window? Can't you set the window invisible at design time, and set it visible programmatically when you've decided which size/location it should have? Mind you, when you change the SIZE property of a window, it gets visible as well.

- Oystein -

At 08 APR 1999 09:11PM Marty Rosenbloom wrote:


I like that idea I'm going to give it try when I get back in the office next week.

Thanx for the suggestion!


At 09 APR 1999 05:16AM Oystein Reigem wrote:


I think I have *all* of my windows invisible, really. I set their SIZE in the CREATE handler. Not because I normally want to change their width and height (SIZE and ), but because I want to control where they appear on the screen or relative to their parent window (so I calculate and set SIZE and ).

- Oystein -

At 10 APR 1999 09:59AM Marty Rosenbloom wrote:


I tried what you suggested and I like it a lot! I'm going to go bavck and change all my windows to this method.

Again, thanks for the idea.


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