How to delete corrupt records from SYSREPOS (OpenInsight Specific)
At 17 NOV 1999 05:13:27PM Paul Rule wrote:
I had a situation where I could not open a stored procedure in the editor because it was coming up with a message saying something like, "You do not have access permission" or something like that. After a bit of investigation I found that the SYSREPOS record for the procedure was corrupt. The contents looked like garbage unlike other healthy records. I then tried to delete this record programatically. No luck. It appears that there is a REPOS_BFS attached to the SYSREPOS file that is stopping me from doing this. I'm assuming that amoungst the corruption, there is a flag set that won't allow me update rights to this record. I've tried to sneak in the back door by doing a setalias to SYSREPOS and trying to temporarily remove the BFS as I would have done in Arev. This wasn't possible. I tried removing the BFS from the handle programatically and deleting the record. Didn't work. Does anyone have any ideas on how to delete this record. How to distract the BFS police so the broken glass can be swept up.
At 21 NOV 1999 10:26PM Paul Rule wrote:
I found the answer to my question in the knowledge base.
How to fix GFE's in SYSREPOS.
At 24 NOV 1999 06:09PM Claude Mansutti wrote:
Are you the same Paul Rule that used to work for TBI in Melbourne?
At 25 NOV 1999 01:06AM Paul Rule wrote:
I used to work for George at Turnkey. I remember you. Are you back from England? What are you up to these days? I can be contacted at