Writes failing win 95 workstation NT server (AREV Specific)
At 25 APR 2002 03:10:52PM Stuart J White wrote:
I have a well established system which has reciently been moved from a Novell 3.12 server to a NT server. The server has the appropriate service installed, and indeed we have no problems with GFE, however, I do have a problem with data not being written correctly.
I have a process with iterates through a serise of records and marks each one when it is processed. My problem is that occasionally, and I cannot be any more specific than that, one of the records is not marked. There seems to be no pattern to the record that is not marked.
This system is running fine on a number of other sites and has previously run correctly on this site, however we are now having the problem.
They do have a number of network protocols installed, TCP/IP and IPX/SPX for historic reasons.
I have had a similar problem which was resolved by completely rebuilding the client machine, however, that was displaying far more advanced symptoms both in AREV and when operating in Windows. The current situation has no such history.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
At 25 APR 2002 05:33PM [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
What vendor and version of the Novell client are you using on Win95? Which version of Win95? There are three main ones - original, Win95A, Win95B (USB support).
If we recall, the Netware client to use is actually Novell's, not Microsoft's. Some Netware clients don't work, and some Novell clients don't work as expected. We recall that the client and the 3.1 client was fine with Win95A. There are quite a few threads on it here in the forums - search for Netware and Novell.
At 28 APR 2002 03:27PM Peter Lynch wrote:
If you are selecting and readnexting thru the file and you are writing between readnexts on that file, then you could be skipping records which are moved by the write process. I guess anyway - i know that is true if you are deleting.
If that is the case, select the keys to be updated into a variable and loop through the keys in that variable instead of readnexting.
That way you have all the keys before any updates are applied.
At 29 APR 2002 07:35AM Stuart J White wrote:
The system operates as you suggest. A list of keys is built and then that list is processed.
The system has been stable and operating effectively for some years under Novell, however on the change-over to NT things, intermitently go wrong!
Any other possibilities?
At 29 APR 2002 09:40AM [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
What network driver are you using? When you type WHO at TCL what does it show?
At 29 APR 2002 11:51AM Stuart J White wrote:
All Networks Drv. v1.5.0.0
At 29 APR 2002 01:13PM Victor Engel wrote:
Writing/Deleting between readnexts shouldn't make a difference unless you are using a latent select. As long as the select is completely resolved prior to starting your readnext loop, you should be OK.
Be careful using logic to load a list of keys into a variable. This could have serious consequences if there are more keys than fit in 64K.