Windows 2000 OIPI display problem (OpenInsight Specific)
At 21 SEP 2001 08:28:53AM Tony Marler @ Prosolve Software UK wrote:
Has anyone else seen a problem with OIPI viewer on Windows 2000 Professional. The 100% view is all black (black black - apologies to Fast Show!) and can't see anything BUT changing viewer to any other i.e Page Width, Full Screen, 50% and display is fine.
Same app on Win95/98 is ok. Anyone seen this?
At 22 SEP 2001 06:26AM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
Tony -
Do you get the same effect if you run with reduced screen resolution? (eg. in 640*480 mode instead of 600*800)?
Video driver courtesy Spinal Tap?
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 25 SEP 2001 12:08PM Tony Marler @ Prosolve Software UK wrote:
Sorry for delay been busy for a few days (had to add a tab to a window!).
Interesting. I was running 1024*768 and reducing to 800*600 made no odds. Reducing right down to 640*480 and it displayed fine. I changed screen res whilst leaving OIPO viewer open .I didn't accept this setting when Windows asked and let Windows 2000 revert to 1024*768 whereupon the viewer remained ok. But as soon as I close OIPI and fire up another report goes black again.
Any further ideas because you are obviously on the right track …
At 25 SEP 2001 06:45PM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
What sort of video card do you have in that PC? Odds on you have a bug in your video driver. Check for upgrade patches for your video card, or else drop a card into the W2K PC the same as in the other PCs where OIPI works ok.
Based on our recent hardware experiences, substituting "el cheapo" video cards has been known to occasionally fix problems with weird graphics behaviour under W2K. We assume it is related to the video driver, as the hardware works OK for most other apps.
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 26 SEP 2001 05:13PM Tony Marler @ Prosolve Software UK wrote:
Cheers Andrew. Its a Dell notepad so not easy to chance the card. The other W2K I tried it on was ….. yep a Dell notepad. If you can confirm that it works on other W2K machines I'll put it down to that.