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At 29 MAR 2001 07:04:24PM Frank Tomeo wrote:

Recently we've migrated one of our clients from a Novell server to an NT server. In the process of copying the data, three tables now report a "Group 0 - Group Calculation Error" when read/write operations are performed on certain records. Although it appears that processing other records in the tables goes fine, the users still periodically hit the error. Is there a know fix for this?

They are running ARev 3.12 with the NT Service.


Frank Tomeo

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 30 MAR 2001 10:07AM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:

Frank ..

I've seen this before in moving from Novell to NT. I think it happened when the copy process used NCOPY, but I'm not sure about that. You can probably fix the error with DUMPLH (make sure you make a backup first, though). If the error doesn't report an error in the frame header for Group 0, it is usually fixable. If the file is reasonably static, you might be able to copy it from Novell to a Local disk drive and then copy it to NT. Sometimes I do this at the server itself (if it can see the Netware Server).

Don Miller

C3 Inc.

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