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At 31 DEC 2002 05:18:36PM Jim Dierking wrote:

Arev 3.1. Running dedicated indexor; had a problem with a relational index exceeding 64k. Deleted some of the records, but no crashing out of dos with the following message, " Fata Error in expanded memory. Error 210 detected in module G while executing V119."

What does this mean? and what's the best way to trouble shoot it?

TIA, Jim Dierking

& Happy New Year!

At 01 JAN 2003 04:23AM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

Check your Windows shortcut to AREV has a max of 4096 kB expanded memory set (ie. NOT "Auto").

Run frequent calls to flush and garbagecollect as part of your indexer code (if you've written your own processor).

Increase the regular memory under 640KB available to AREV.

Increase the file handles if possible (it sounds like an "out of resource" error, or a memory corruption of some sort)

We assume that there are no corrupt keys (containing char(0) or delimiters) , the relational keylists are below 64kb again, and you've deleted then rebuilt the indexes. Sometimes relational indexes are "sticky" and you actually need to check the handles of the related files (in SYSTABLES / FILES) to ensure the SI.MFS is not present.


The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

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