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At 12 SEP 2012 07:57:56AM Daniel P Rosati wrote:

We have been using AREV from a Windows server for many years. We access it via a DOS command window from the client desktop. Starting yesterday, we were not able to access the program. When we type AREV at the command line, we get the message [B114] Maximum number of Variables Exceeded. AREV never loads and we are taken back to the command line.

Does anyone have any solution to this?

At 12 SEP 2012 03:53PM Richard Bright wrote:

And what is the client OS?




What is PC DEP status, is UAC part of environment - and status.

Do you use a pif / shortcut?

At 12 SEP 2012 04:58PM rwilson wrote:

any possibility of moving the necessary files to another Pc and changing the LOGON tcl stack.

(if your version of arev uses it). and remove all of the commands and then running them

one by one

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