Windows 7 and AREV from a server (AREV Specific)
At 07 SEP 2010 03:04:04AM Barry Stevens wrote:
User can get AREV running from C drive in Win 7 XP mode.
But when you try shortcut to Arev on a network drive, it just show 2 dos lines of which the last is the serial number, it appears to hang, not close.
Are there any Win7/XP mode setups that need to be done.
At 07 SEP 2010 01:07PM's Don Bakke wrote:
We have one client that is reportedly doing exactly this with all of their workstations (reportedly over 100). In fact, they went this route versus converting to AREV32.
I just did a quick test on our own network. It seems to work just fine. I tested locking and a few other items. No problems that I could detect.
At 07 SEP 2010 03:47PM Warren Auyong wrote:
Are you using the UD 4.6 (full version)?
I cannot get ARev v3.12 to load under Win7 Pro 32bit with the UD 4.6 driver. It will load with the byte-range locking driver though.
UD 4.6 is working on the server as confirmed by XP Pro workstations and OI with the UD4.6 driver installed.
The UD4.6 driver will run in the XP Mode virtual PC on Win7 Pro.
At 07 SEP 2010 07:17PM Barry Stevens wrote:
I think, running NT Service 2.1 and all networks driver 1.5 (15+ YEARS)
At 07 SEP 2010 10:53PM Warren Auyong wrote:
What happens if you change the driver to one of the byte-range locking drivers like Microsoft LAN Manaager?
At 08 SEP 2010 07:24PM Barry Stevens wrote:
Thanks, maybe I will go and it
At 13 SEP 2010 10:18AM Jared Bratu wrote:
AREV32 is the supported upgrade path to maintain your text input screens in this environment.
If you don't want to move towards AREV32 at this time you should also consider your peripherals. Legacy devices will only get harder to maintain with modern operating systems.
At the very least the Universal Driver 4.6 LinearHash service is required on the server for multi-user access.