Disabling DBLCLK event in EDITTABLES (OpenInsight Specific)
At 26 JAN 2000 03:45:03PM Robert Lee wrote:
As part of our security system, I am using the following approach to disable edittables at runtime.
*Stop the user from being able to press insert / delete
New.Style=bitand(Style, bitnot(4))
x=Set_Property(DCtrlMap[i], 'STYLE', New.Style)
*Disable each column
This way the user can still use the scroll bar but can't change the data or insert/delete lines.
BUT they can double click, bring up a popup, and the selection gets returned into the edittable!!
How can this be stopped for our "read only" users??
At 26 JAN 2000 03:49PM Tony Marler @ Prosolve Software wrote:
Its getting late here! but can you just put some code in the event to not call popup if they are read only users. Either instead of or prior to the quickevent (using RETURN 0) if that is what you are using.
At 27 JAN 2000 03:09PM Robert Lee wrote:
Not that simple. The security system is used system-wide with many dozens of forms and countless edittables involved. I was hoping for an approach where I could take a standard edittable with a double-click event that may have script or a popup and disable it. Five essential elements I am looking for with edittables.
1. Read but not change data. (Done)
2. Can't add/delete lines. (Done)
3. Can scroll (Done)
4. Can't activate especially DBLCLK events. (Help!)
5. Handle the above without code required in every single edittable. (Done - except 4)
A challenge for those genius types out there!
All other controls seem to be under control at this stage.