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At 22 JUL 2002 02:39:29PM bobyerkes wrote:

Is there a list of error messages for the Windows 2000 network product like there is in OI? Anybody every get the following error message?

Event Viewer error:

The "LHReadRecord" call failed, returning LH error #129, file number 1, group number 0, Linear Hash Error: Group Calculation Error.


Bob Yerkes

elexio Software

At 23 JUL 2002 09:15AM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

File 1 should be SYSREPOSIX. You should do a verify on this file.

You can get the error message list from the REVERROR.DAT file. The FS errors will also be found in the FSERRORS_x00 Inser records, where "x" is the hundreds value of the error message, so you'd look in FSERRORS_100 for FS129.

EQUATE FS_LHE_GROUP_ERR$ TO 129 ;* 2 Linear Hash error (Group calculation error - CHECK_HASH)

FS129: Linear Hash Error OS File: %1% Group #: %2% Group Calculation Error.

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all Things RevSoft

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