Deleting bad REVMEDIA entries (AREV Specific)
At 28 JAN 2009 04:58:33AM Bob Silverstein wrote:
LISTMEDIA reports some bogus files that DELETEFILE cannot remove.
Any ideas on how to remove them?
At 30 JAN 2009 12:47PM Victor Engel wrote:
* Identify the DOS directory on which the files are located.
* Do a LISTVOLUME to get the DOS filenames.
* Using Windows explorer or DOS, delete those files, if they exist.
* Attach the REVMEDIA file for that volume (ATTACHTABLE volumename REVMEDIA)
* Delete the records in this file corresponding to the files you want to delete.
* Nobody is using the files at the time.
* No other logical file is also associated with the same DOS file.
* The scope of these instructions does not include indexing.
* You have appropriate rights to be able to attach REVMEDIA.