Running OI using VPN - IPN (OpenInsight Specific)
At 15 NOV 2000 02:14:54PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
One of our clients have just installed IPN which is similar to VPN but more secure.
The system has been setup to run as a WAN between two cities.
We have tried to run the system with the database on the Fileserver in Head Office.
The login and response time was very slow.
We then used the same runtime on the local PC at the branch office, only attaching the database tables from HO.
When we login as a user the attaching of the data using ATTACH_TABLE takes 4 minutes. (same for administrator)
When we login as a user with system administrator rights the login time is 13 seconds.
The path name is mapped as F drive over the WAN.
Does anyone know why there is such a difference in speed.
We are still trying to find the right combinations.
Other opearations seems OK over the line.
Is there a better way to attach the data files.
Any help will be appreciated.
Gerry van Niekerk