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At 21 AUG 2002 01:08:51PM Fran Sibson wrote:

I searched the Online Discussions, but can find only that a popup can display more than one line per selection by using wrap. Dumb it down for me! How do I make text in a popup wrap and display more than one line? The popup is generated on the fly in a program and the current format is set to '2:20:L::Heading1\4:50:L::Heading2'. I can make the width larger, obviously, but how do I make it wrap to the next line?


At 21 AUG 2002 04:56PM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

The only way is to have the information you wish to appear on the next line is for it to actually be on the next line. Therefore, a result can come from more than one selection, since it's possible for the user to select the partial line.

The Sprezzatura Group

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