OICGI/NT/IIS Update (OpenInsight Specific)
At 04 APR 1998 01:09:11AM Jeff Blinn wrote:
Cam - Thanks for the new OICGI, it solved the problem.
Can you elaborate on the cause of this one? We've got a few people curious at this point - they were trying to help us get it working.
Thanks again,
At 04 APR 1998 12:39PM Cameron Revelation wrote:
Can you elaborate on the cause of this one? We've got a few people curious at this point - they were trying to help us get it working.
I may not be technically correct since I don't do the OICGI work, however, here is my best understanding:
1) What you "see" in Windows NT is actually the default "desktop" of the default "windows station". It is possible for there to be other virtual "windows stations" each with many "desktops" within one session of Windows NT, although this feature is rarely used.
2) OICGI receives requests from the web server via environment information (variables) as specified by the CGI standard; it then attempts to establish a DDE session with OI to transfer the request into a running OpenInsight application. (You can see this by opening System Monitor, for example, while OICGI requests are coming in.)
3) DDE is based on "user objects", which are related to the USER library of Windows which handles things like messages and windows. DDE is a specification for how to send information between windows of different applications using specific messages.
4) IIS 3.0 runs OICGI on a different desktop in a different windows station. OICGI is running in "a void" where there is no OI. It says "hello, I'm here, is anyone out there" (using a DDE broadcast) and no one responds because USER objects cannot bridge desktops/stations (by design).
To resolve this problem, OICGI dynamically switches back to the default desktop of the default windows station. BTW, this also shows why "allow service to communicate with desktop" must be checked for IIS, since the service creates a new process (OICGI) that must communicate with an application which is "on the desktop".
Cameron Purdy
Revelation Software
At 06 APR 1998 07:53AM Bryan Feddish wrote:
Will I recieve the new OICGI with my 3.6 subscription disk or do I have to ask for it seperatly?
At 06 APR 1998 11:33AM Cameron Revelation wrote:
Will I recieve the new OICGI with my 3.6 subscription disk or do I have to ask for it seperatly?
It will be in 3.6. Additionally, we may be able to offer a patch for previous versions.
Cameron Purdy