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At 30 DEC 2002 12:18:54PM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:

I have a customer who has repeatedly tried to get OIPI to install on Win2K desktop(s). The install program aborts with the Conflict Error Message. I asked him to attempt a manual install of OIPI following the README file. Everything goes ok until he attempts the REGSVR steps. At that point he receives an error on the command line. I thought that perhaps if the file(s) were installed in the correct locations that the REGSVR step might not be necessary; however, clicking on OIPI GPF's the machine.

At this point the situation is getting really problematical. They are using a Win-98SE desktop to do OIPI printing, but that is not a satisfactory solution for them.

Can anybody help, please…..?

You can E-Mail me, if that's better:

Happy New Year to all …

Don Miller

C3 Inc.

At 31 DEC 2002 06:13AM Richard Guise wrote:


Probably irrelevant - but some while ago I had an OIPI install problem (luckily on a PC here) which was not cured by reinstalling normally or manually. I forget the versions involved.

After much emailing with Tony Splaver I finally removed OIPI completely, unregistered everything and started again. It cured the problem. It seems something got screwed up in the registry which wasn't cured by normal reinstallation but was when re-registered from scratch.

It's only happened this once. I have otherwise reinstalled OIPI quite a few times for various reasons and on every other occasions this has solved the problem.

Happy New Year

At 31 DEC 2002 06:39AM Oystein Reigem wrote:


I have a customer who has repeatedly tried to get OIPI to install on Win2K desktop(s). The install program aborts with the Conflict Error Message. I asked him to attempt a manual install of OIPI following the README file. Everything goes ok until he attempts the REGSVR steps. At that point he receives an error on the command line.

What is the error message?

(Just thought somebody might be able to draw some conclusion from that.)

- Oystein -

At 31 DEC 2002 07:57AM Don Miller wrote:

Oystein ..

The error message is something like "Can't Find REGSVR or one of it's components" .. I'm not sure exactly and my customer is not being very helpful. I know it's there because if you type REGSVR /? you get the help stuff Unrecognized command /?, etc. so the .EXE IS there. I've been working with Don B. who may have a solution .. fingers crossed big time.

Have a happy ..

Don M.

At 31 DEC 2002 08:02AM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:

Richard ..

That's what I would do if my customer was a) nearby and b) more cooperative. As he succinctly put it "It's YOUR problem not mine!" Dontcha love this kind of stuff! Normally, I have a PCAnywhere connection to all of my customers for support, uploads, etc. but in this case, I have to go through a hospital IT department who will only allow access through their RAS connection which is not available on the machine affected.

I've been working with Don B (SRP) on an Install Shield setup which MAY fix the problem. My fingers are crossed.

Thanks for your comments though. Like you, I've rarely had this kind of problem in the past, and it has usually been resolved easily.

Have a happy ..

Don M.

At 31 DEC 2002 08:07AM Oystein Reigem wrote:


If the message is just "Can't find REGSVR" with no mention of its components perhaps everything is quite normal except you must use REGSVR32. Not my field, really.

But if REGSVR.EXE is there, but not all of its components, then something must be wrong with that client's Windows, methinks.

- Oystein -

At 31 DEC 2002 08:24AM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:

REGSVR32 lives in WINNT\SYSTEM32 on my client's machine (I think). REGSVR should properly call REGSVR32. I had him copy REGSVR.EXE to WINNT\SYSTEM just in case and reboot. No better luck with this. I've never seen Win2K that behaves this way .. ever, yet all 3 workstations give the same error and they were all set up from the original OEM CD's (from DELL). These aren't the "low priced spread" either .. P4's with 512MB memory, 2.0+ ghz, Fast Ethernet (100 mbs), decent video, etc. I'll keep you all posted on what develops. I'd hate to have them send me the unit (and pay $$$$ shipping, insurance, etc.), but that may be a last resort.

Don M.

At 31 DEC 2002 09:46AM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status= Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

If they've got Internet Access we still like!

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 31 DEC 2002 12:07PM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:

I agree, Sprezz, but they don't have external internet access. The only places they can go are a list of addresses provided by the hospital IT department. No search and no typing allowed. The way I get to the hospital is to log into their RAS server which links to an in-house PcAnywhere server hard-wired on a TCP/IP link. There are 4 levels of passwords involved and the stupid machine reboots if the connection fails .. which is nice when this happens during a download.

Don M.

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