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At 21 JUL 2011 05:23:31PM B.J. J Ray wrote:


I was playing with the log files… now my dev system runs slow, I've removed OEPROFILE.LOG and LH2.LOG from the oi folder but the system runs as if it's still logging. I've tried restarting my computer.

Any Ideas?

Thanks and Kind Regards,

B.J. Ray

At 21 JUL 2011 05:49PM Jared Bratu wrote:

Check for other LH*.LOG files and remove it. I recall LH.LOG is also valid.

If you are using the LinearHash service on the server did you place a LH*.LOG file in the same folder as the LH*SRVC.EXE program?

At 21 JUL 2011 06:00PM B.J. J Ray wrote:

There wasn't an LH*SRVC in the folder.

At 28 JUL 2011 05:10PM B.J. J Ray wrote:

I recreated the log files

started oi

closed oi

deleted log files

oi runs fine now.

Thanks for helping

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