AREV 3.11, WinNT WS, Novell 4.11, Shift - Print Scrn (AREV Specific)
At 09 JUL 1998 12:11:55PM Rob Hug - Applied Information Solutions wrote:
We just purchased a number of Windows NT workstations, shortly after getting them into our AREV account, it became very obvious that the Shift-Print Scrn function that allows you to send the current screen to a captured Novell printer in Win3.1 and Win95 does not work on a WinNT workstation. The method we are using to get into the accounts on the NT computer is the same as the method we use on the 95 and 3.1 computers. Just no print screen function. I'd prefer NOT to send the screen to the clipboard, paste it in a document and print it. It was much more convient to just hit shift print scrn and watch it come out the printer. Anyone know of a work around for this problem?Here's the setup:
Window's NT workstation with a correct Config.NT. Accessing the account via Novell's Application Launcher which calls a Win95 pif (That is setup correctly). Confusing? But the problem persists even if you go around the app laucher and just use NT's command prompt. Basically, everything is setup as you would expect, just no print screens.
Once in the account, the user executes a PRINTER.ON statement that captures a Novell printer to the LPT1 port. All other output looks good, "LIST 5 IM (P)", will send the five records to the printer. But still, no . . .
At 09 JUL 1998 03:23PM Egbert Poell wrote:
It sounds like Windows NT is using that key-combination.
Isn't it possible to disable that?
We had the same problem with the Prtscr in Windows 95!
Best regards,
Egbert Poell
Revelation consultant
Mecomp Automatisering
At 09 JUL 1998 05:28PM Steve Smith wrote:
PC Magazine released a utility called PRINTNOW (by Greg Wolking) for Windows 95 & NT which gives you control over the Printscreen key -
Hope this helps.
At 23 JUL 1998 06:14PM Rob Hug wrote:
The solution was simple, yet difficult to find. Assuming your config.nt contains the following line:
shell=c:\winnt\system32\ /p /e:1024and your MSDOS prompt shortcut calls
c:\winnt\system32\command.comand your "Netuse" or "Capture" command has mapped a printer to LPT1:
then you simply left click on the MSDOS prompt pif, go to the MISC tab, and UN-check the PRTSCN box. This tells WINNT to not translate a press of the Print Scrn button into a bitmap and instead lets the 16-bit DOS subsystem translate the request into a printed copy of what is on your screen.
Walla, you get a printout that contains two copies of the current screen. OOPS. Well talk to Microsoft about that problem. They are aware that it happens on fast computers.More information can be found on Microsofts web page (WWW.MICROSOFT.COM) inside their support page for WINNT workstation.