Scribe Replace-Process (AREV Specific)
At 06 JAN 1999 10:35:40PM Matt Sorrell wrote:
Hello again.
I have a how-to question for everyone. I am creating a tutorial, conceptually similar to the one that ships with AREV, in which I would provide message boxes explaining the steps to take, and then only allowing valid keystrokes to be passed to the system.
I'm assuming this would be done a scribe replace process on a window, but all of my attempts so far have failed utterly. The window comes up, any code I have in the replace process subroutine runs, then the window exits.
I think I have a logical disconnect here on exactly what functionality I must provide in a scribe replace process subroutine. Any hints (code samples would be nice) would be greatly appreciated.
Also, once I get this to basically work, how do I ensure that window specific keys (softkeys, function keys etc…) will be correctly handled? Or will their mere existence in @PRIORITY.INT ensure that they will be handled?
TIA for any advice,
Matt Sorrell
At 07 JAN 1999 05:28PM - [url=]Sprezzatura, Inc.[/url] wrote:
I think you want TUTORMSG which was documented somewhere, I think. It's the processor the ARev tutor goes through. It might have been in a TB or even a Revelation's magazine from way back. Perhaps Revmedia did as well, but I don't think so.
If you look at the messages in the tutor, you could probably figure out the structure. It's not that hard. I had to modify the tutor for a 3.12 system (all the keystrokes didn't work) and it seemed pretyt straight forward.