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At 09 SEP 2005 08:01:30AM Richard Dearn wrote:


We were having awful batch processing times with our application after installing the UD 3.0 driver from 2.1. We needed to do this as we have some files larger than 1gb so they simply crashed under 2.1.

In 2.1 our batches took 3 - 4 hours but now they are 16 hours plus. We bought a new server to try to resolve this but times are the same if not higher:

OLD Server Spec

Pentium 3 1.1 Ghz processor

1142 RAM

3 * 18 GB HD (Raid 5)

New Server Spec

Dual Pentium 4 3.0 Xeon Processors


2 * 72 GB HD (Raid 1)

Has anyone heard of anything like this before and does anyone now of a solution?

Also might be worth mentioning the first instance of Arev opened is extremely slow (maybe 10% of normal)

However, further instances appear to run at the speed of the old server.

At 09 SEP 2005 09:41AM wrote:

What OSs on the Servers?

The Sprezzatura Group Web Site

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 09 SEP 2005 02:53PM Richard A Dearn wrote:


Windows 2003, all workstations are on XP.

At 10 SEP 2005 01:53AM wrote:

Have you ensured there is only one REVPARAM?

The Sprezzatura Group Web Site

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 10 SEP 2005 04:02AM Richard A Dearn wrote:

There is only one REVPARAM file yes.

I put a huge workstation (2 * 3.4 Processors and 2 GB Ram) and ran a batch from here against or new server. Before 15 hours 40 mins with this config just over 1 hour.

It looks like all the processing is being done on the local machine as the perfomance indicator in Server 2003 sits pretty much idle the whole time

At 10 SEP 2005 11:13AM wrote:

Well the Service is very very efficient. One of our clients complained about the Service not working properly as under intense load (hundreds of users hammering it) it still only took 10% server utilisation whereas they'd expect (using "Other" alternative database technologies) closer to 100%.

We provided a test program to REALLY hammer it and this proved the point.

To see if it IS using the Service set server only to true and pause the service. See if you can access the files.

The Sprezzatura Group Web Site

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 10 SEP 2005 03:46PM Richard A Dearn wrote:

thanks for that.

Speeds are looking good though.

Now the next major major issue and beofre we go any futher Im not a developer at all mearly a user of an Arev app.

We have been having all types of problems recently and in the month of August our system has had an 80% downtime! this is our core system so you can imagine.

We reached over 1gb files roughly 6 weeks ago so upgraded to UD 3.0.

Since then apart from the 15 hour batches we have had truck loads of GFE's. Todays we have had about 15!

Have been told that someone from Sprezzatura has helped us before (Araan Kapleen I believe.) as I said Im not a developer so would need a consultant either here our to advise us how to do it. Were based in Luxembourg so if someone could drop me contact details then will call / mail you for a quote.

Many thanks

At 10 SEP 2005 04:23PM wrote:

We adhere to board rules re:advertising so we'll contact you off board.

Regards and thanks

The Sprezzatura Group Web Site

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 07 NOV 2005 10:08PM Caroline J Lloyd wrote:

Our sites are finding that since migrating to WIN2000 and 2003 servers, processes such as running a VERIFY are taking uo to 6 times longer. The application is running fine.

I note that you refer to "only one REVPARAM" and I'm a bit confused as the instructions for setting up the new LH services state that there should be revparams in all folders with "revmedia" files. Which is what we have instructed our users to do.

So now I'm wondering if the number of revparams is an issue?

At 08 NOV 2005 06:58AM Richard Bright wrote:

If you are using Win2000 Service / NLM equiv then you need a Revparam file in each LH directory you want to protect.

However with Universal Driver the (singular) Revparam file is placed at the root LH directory. Effectively the service searches up the tree until it finds a Revparam file, or times out - which could take a while!

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