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At 25 NOV 1997 06:40:21PM Alex Cruise Eloquent wrote:

It's lovely that the BITMAP property can point to a resource within a DLL, but there doesn't seem to be any way to *design* a control with a resource as its bitmap; apparently you can only set it at runtime.

It doesn't appear possible to create BITMAP entries in the repository which point to a DLL resource either.

We have quite a few bitmaps and toolbar buttons that we really don't want to distribute as (end-user-modifiable!) .BMP files… Does anyone know of other ways to do this?



At 26 NOV 1997 04:20AM Oystein Reigem wrote:



- Oystein -

What about storing the bitmaps in a table and

copy them to BMPs at startup (Copy_Row_To_OS)?

That shouldn't take too much time and space?

The worst thing that could happen was that some

enterprising user tried to change the bitmap file

but discovered to her/his disappointment that

the app had changed it back.

- Oystein -

At 26 NOV 1997 12:08PM Cameron Revelation wrote:


It doesn't appear possible to create BITMAP entries in the repository which point to a DLL resource either.

The Form Designer doesn't support creating BITMAP entities that point to resource files (e.g. DLLs).

From the Application Manager, choose "Entity", "New…", "Image Entity" (press OK), "BMP", enter entity name, enter DLL name and resource ID (for example, "OICOMMON.DLL#1"), press OK.

Best of luck,

Cameron Purdy

At 26 NOV 1997 05:56PM Don Bakke wrote:

I don't have VB, Delphi, or any kind of C++ compiler.

What is the easiest and quickest way for me to create a resource file for my BMP and ICO images?


SRP Computer Solutions

At 27 NOV 1997 02:42PM Alex Cruise Eloquent wrote:

Short answer? "Good luck."

Otherwise, try – It's a long shot, but it might be able to do what you want.

Seriously though, if you can dredge up an old copy of 16-bit MS VC++ 1.52 I'd advise you grab one. You might find yourself needing to write DLL's for OI (which, of course, must be 16-bit) at any time; plus it comes with a pretty good resource editor. Took me (a C beginner) about 15 minutes to compile a DLL full of bitmaps.

Getting OI to use them "my way"..? Sheesh. But creating the DLL was easy.

At 27 NOV 1997 03:59PM Alex Cruise Eloquent wrote:

Odd… I can't seem to get DLL-embedded bitmaps to show in my OIWINEXE's.

I had a look at the OIWINEXE for EVENTDESIGNER; its controls reference images in a DLL… Control will be something like "*IMAGE*BMP*PAL_BTNnOICOMMON.DLL#7" ("n"=@SVM).

I've created repository entries both for my DLL and an image within it, and plugged what seems to be an appropriate reference into my window, but controls in my windows only display the "default" OI window bitmap. Is there something obvious I'm missing?

At 28 NOV 1997 09:19AM Carl Pates Sprezzatura wrote:


The problem with the Form Designer is that it doesn't know how to handle Bitmaps from DLL's, so when it comes to compile your form it can't resolve the DLL reference, hence it thinks the bitmap doesn't exist and you get the nice default bitmap instead.

The workaround suggested by Gene is this…

Compile your form as normal, then go into the Application manager, make sure that all your BITMAP entities are pointing to the DLL (by checking their sub-key entry in Properties), and then compile the form from the Application Manager. This process doesn't care about resolving the references and just includes them as it finds them, so you should now see the correct reference in your OIWINEXE record, and the correct BITMAP when you run the form.

Hope this helps

Sprezzatura Ltd

World Leaders in all things RevSoft (Except VIP)

At 21 FEB 2003 01:50PM Jim Signorile (Revelation) wrote:

There's nothing like dredging up a thread from over 5 years ago, BUT in the next release of OI (4.1.3) bitmaps that are stored as resources in DLLs (the 'OICOMM32.DLL#7' type of entity) will now show on the form at design time, as well as run time. And all controls that can have bitmaps attached will work this way now.


At 21 FEB 2003 02:48PM Don Miller wrote:

Jim ..


Don M.

At 21 FEB 2003 04:54PM Richard Bright wrote:

I thought I was in a time warp when I looked at the other names and dates in this thread! But great that we have this Bitmap stuff done at last.

At 24 FEB 2003 09:48AM Jim Signorile (Revelation) wrote:

We really do remember the things you guys ask for - somethings it just takes a *little* time to get them all done! :)


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