Quindecennial (AREV Specific)
At 12 MAR 2010 07:15:12AM Aaron Kaplan wrote:
It's been a while since I've posted, but I'm feeling a bit nostalgic for the old days for all sorts of various reasons. However, some people might want to start counting their grays. 15 years ago today Revelation released the final version of Advanced Revelation for DOS.
Aaron Kaplan
Give me ARev or give me death!
At 12 MAR 2010 10:48AM dsigafoos wrote:
Quindecennial .. you make me laugh Goooooo Lightspeed
At 14 MAR 2010 09:53AM John Godfrey wrote:
There are even some that say it was the most reliable release ever. Now who was responsible for that I wonder?
At 14 MAR 2010 05:26PM Ray Chan wrote:
Hey Aaron,
What in the world are you up to! Long time no see.
If you're up/down this way (or sideways), please give a holler. If Big Dave comes too, we can have a reunion. We're still using the work that you (and Dave) did for us. No tampering, etc. Test of time.
Seeing you here made me smile
At 18 MAR 2010 03:22PM Victor Engel wrote:
Interesting that the date format is different for your post than for the post you replied to.
At 18 MAR 2010 06:14PM Eric wrote:
I recall an AREV for handhelds that Gary Gnu released.
It's still stable, atop my refrigerator.
At 23 MAR 2010 12:42PM Warren Auyong wrote:
It's the same date format as Aaron's original post. It must depend on the localization formats set on the client machine from where the post was made from. Aaron is still across The Pond but for how much longer?
At 26 APR 2010 04:15AM Aaron Kaplan wrote:
Late summer, early fall is the plan.
At 26 APR 2010 04:20AM Gary Gnu wrote:
A rare and valuable alpha product.