Multivalue problem (OpenInsight Specific)
At 10 NOV 1998 02:15:23PM BC wrote:
I have actually posted this on the Reporter board and have not
had a response so I thought I would try here too.
I have report in reporter that in the detail section I have
a multivalue field.
During testing I get multiple values to display correctly.
The detail section is large enough to print 3 items per
page. When it prints only one record on output all m/values
display. When processing more than one item only the first
value will appear on any one item.
Any suggestions?
At 12 NOV 1998 06:25PM C Newman wrote:
BC I was curious as to what your multivalued Options are set to (i'm assuming this a report being generated in Reporter?
Chad Newman
At 13 NOV 1998 10:42AM BC wrote:
They are set to "treat as single field".
They will display properly when the
job just starts processing on the first
record in the table.
I am doing a "SELECT" with RLIST and
saving the list, then getting it within the
reporter, then having the problem of
only the first mvalue displaying.
At 14 NOV 1998 02:10PM Anders Lindholt wrote:
I think that you have to look carefully into the dict.tabel containing the fields for the reporter.
You do have to check if fx. the dict tabel field is mark as an multivalue field, if you use the field as a multivalue field in the reporter.
Good luck